While in service over time, unwanted oil deposits act as an internal insulator in the heat exchangers. This process reduces the thermal transfer ability and reduces efficiency.
As a result, the system will consume more power to do the same job.
A.S.H.R.A.E. (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineering) has studied the problem of thermal degradation. Within the first five years of a system’s life, efficiency degrades up to 30%. Thermal degradation prevents the equipment from operating at the original design efficiency leading to longer runtimes and additional kWh consumption.
As studied by A.S.H.R.A.E., during the refrigerant compression process, oil migrates from the compressor to the coil system, contaminating the metals that transfer heat. Compressors that use oil for lubrication cannot fully prevent oil from coating the coils. The smallest amount of oil in the coil systems creates a coating that will hinder heat transfer, reducing total system efficiency.
Under-performing equipment is tolerated, supplemented or replaced. These outcomes are expensive, wasteful and environmentally harmful. They are also unnecessary because the underlying cause of the inefficiency has been positively identified by the industry and can be permanently eradicated by a proven scientific chemical process.
PermaFrost NMR® is a nanotechnology that displaced the insulator which has contaminated the heat exchangers. This same process restores efficiency and prevents future recurrence along with protecting the system from common by-products such as acid, moisture and corrosion.
To learn more contact us at ELXinfo@elxtch.com